AFK Build Assistant Tax - Attacking 1% income tax, Probe Robbing 1% income
tax, Military 1% income tax and Explore & Building(these group as 1) 1% income tax.
AFK Build Assistant - Will spend 100% of income for 24 ticks, after 24 ticks 50%,
after 48 ticks 25%, and after 72 ticks 10% until it turns off at becoming inactive. Any page
reload or relogin will reset Ticks Active: to 0. Allows 2 decimal places on settings.
Enable AFK Builder (On/Off) – This is the master control on/off, this will fully
disable the builder. This will be disabled by default.
Enable AFK Attacking – Allows builder to attack.
Enable AFK Robbing – Allows builder to rob with PAs.
Enable Build Military – Allows builder to build military(all types).
Enable build military with soldiers – Allows builder to build military(all types), if
turned off it will still allow production of soldiers, scientists, F74s and TFs.
Enable AFK Build Buildings – This allows the builder to build buildings for your
kingdom. More information for which types of buildings will be below on the settings part.
Enable AFK Exploring (Explore Settings below won't work if OFF) – This is the master
control for exploring on your kingdom. If turned off your kingdom will not explore with the
AFK Exploring Before Buildings – This will instruct the builder to explore first
before buildings. (builder order of operations will be below)
AFK Exploring After Military – This will instruct the builder to explore after
military. (builder order of operations will be below)
Probe Attempt Stack to Maintain – Allows you to adjust the amount of probe attempts
you allow the builder to use for probe missions. Adjust between 4-9. (Only time this will
drop below desired amount is for attack Tier 2 or Tier 3 food.)
Probe Type – Allows to select between Rob Food, or use Mine Gold PA.
Shield Probes? – Choosed between always shielded, never shielded and auto.(Auto will
shield probes until it can't then use probe attempts without shields.)
Minimum Power to keep – Set the amount of power to hold in reserve.
Attack Tier Selection – Allows the selection between Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 food. Auto
allows the builder to decide the target between Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3.
Order of Operations and details
The builder will build in this order unless some of the above settings are disabled and
will only use 50% of money at any given tick. You no longer have to be offline for 3
Hours(not ticks). Builder trys to
build anything first that is used to keep a kingdom alive.
Attack - Attack
tier 1, or tier 3 food when able, leaving home (Your setting percent set) of defense if
using balanced
units for the attack, all offense units can be used. It will send the required
amount only. Uses 1 WL per attack and picks closest return time.(Now you can choose the
percent of each balance unit to send.)
Uses 1 probe attempt per attack on Tier 2 or Tier 3 food attacks.
Probe - rob
tier 1,2,3 food maximizing your robs, but builder won’t
rob unless the probes can be shielded. This will use down to Probe Attempt Stack to Maintain
Explore – will explore max amount in 24s
Buildings – Build order for buildings are as follows: Power Plants, Barracks,
Residences, Training Camps, Probe
Factories, Starmines, Air Support Bays, and Aegis Control Hubs. Builder will try to
maintain percentages set in the building section.
Military – Percent set now works off money allowed for afk building, example 30 set
for defense will only spend 30% money on defense. Build order for military are as
follows: Soldiers, Scientists, Defense units (Select unit)(Note: If F74s are selected and
build military with soldiers is enabled, once it runs out of this unit it will build LDs),
Balance units (Select unit),
and Offense units (Select unit)(Note: If TFs are selected and build military with soldiers
is enabled, once it runs out of this unit it will build Fighters).
Builder will build units based on the percentages set. Soldiers will be trained
based on Soldiers Max Stack, and Soldiers % to train per population. It will work like this,
If soldiers in training plus soldiers complete equal Soldiers Max Stack it won't train
anymore soldiers. Scientists to maintain is per unit of
Explore – Will explore with funds that are
left from the steps aboves