Star Kingdoms Help

Welcome to the Galactic Frontier

Domination is imminent, my friend.

Step into the universe of StarKingdoms, a multiplayer game that has been captivating players for over 25 years. First launched before the year 2000, this enduring classic offers a galaxy of challenges where strategy, alliances, and ambition collide. Build your own kingdom and navigate the complexities of galactic domination in a game where the stakes are as high as the stars themselves.

Kingdom Dynamics

Your kingdom is built on a delicate balance of money, power, population, land, military units, scientists, and probes. Together, these elements determine your net worth, a reflection of your kingdom's size and influence. As you grow stronger, you’ll gain recognition—but also the attention of rivals seeking to challenge your supremacy.

Thriving Alliances & Community

Forge alliances with like-minded leaders to pool resources, coordinate strategies, and defend against common threats. Beyond the game, our vibrant Discord community is alive with conversation, camaraderie, and competition. Whether sharing strategies or celebrating victories, the bonds formed here extend the game’s impact far beyond the battlefield.

Expedition & Warfare

Expand your kingdom’s reach by exploring uncharted regions of the galaxy. Dispatch skilled workers to uncover hidden resources, and launch probes to gather crucial intelligence. Train soldiers, draft elite units, and construct a powerful military to protect your realm and press your advantage.

The Art of Warfare

Engage in strategic battles to seize enemy lands, plunder resources, and secure your place as a dominant force. Use advanced technologies developed by your scientists to outthink and outmaneuver rivals. Every decision shapes your destiny, and every victory leaves its mark on the galaxy.

High-Stakes Conflict

For the bold, unleash devastating missile strikes to annihilate enemy strongholds. Such actions carry great risk—retaliation and political fallout are inevitable—but the rewards can be just as significant. Choose your path carefully; domination is not without consequences.

Survive and Thrive

The galaxy is a challenging yet rewarding frontier. Build, explore, and conquer while maintaining the balance that sustains your kingdom. With alliances to bolster you and enemies to test you, only the most resilient will prevail. Will you ascend to greatness or be lost to the stars? The universe awaits your command.

Round Changes
March 2025

Planet Type

Herbal Jungle +5% capacity for all military housing
Forest and Wilderness +10% population, population land bonus always maxed

Note: These table only reflects the changes, not the full bonuses!

February 2025

Planet Type

Mountainous -20% power produced
Mystical Lands -5% balanced unit cost
Helium -10% building cost, +25% research efficiency, -5% population
Ice Giant No Longer starts with Laser Dragoons, Land gains decreased from 10% to 5%
Multiple Terrain Race Tokens Cost -10k, -20k, -30k... up to -80k for last token
Shadow Lands Max of 5 intel PAs, restores 1 every 3 ticks
All Planet Types Max of 3 intel PAs, restore 1 every 5 ticks

Race Type

Terran 1 +8% Pop
Terran 2 Soldiers Cost 130 gold
Terran 3 +12% Pop, Soldiers cost 120 gold, -4 ticks soldiers training time
Shadow 2 +10% Probe Production, -10% Probe Losses
Shadow 3 +15% Probe Production, -15% Probe Losses, +15% probe damage
Ancients 1 +20% Research Efficiency
Ancients 2 +30% Research Efficiency
Ancients 3 +40% Research Efficiency

Other Changes

Sabos, arsons and kidnaps return 25% of mine gold while at war

Note: These table only reflects the changes, not the full bonuses!

January 2025

1. Food SOX no longer consume PAs
SOXing food or using autobuilder will no longer consume PAs on food, however you need to have 1 PA in order to be able to sox

2. Robbing Food and Mining gold is the same
-- Mine Gold Impact
-- 6k Probes = 39k (6.5x 6k)
-- 10k Probes = 65k (6.5x 10k)
-- 15k Probes = 97.5k (6.5x 15k)
-- 20k Probes = 110k (6.5x 15k + 2.5x 5k)
-- 25k Probes = 122.5k (6.5x 15k + 2.5x 10k)

Increased Ceiling on mine gold
Mine gold has a maximum of 100k + 50 * Res + 100 * SM

3. Fighters consumer 0.7 Power, same as Goons

Helpful Tools
zxbiohazardzx's public spreadsheet to track players recent activaty
zxbiohazardzx's Universal Dashboards
kingct's spreadsheet to calc new return time formula(Base return time 15)
StarKingdoms wiki (work in progress)

Welcome to Star Kingdoms! In this galaxy-spanning strategy game, you will lead your kingdom to power through resource management, research, military strategy, and alliances. Here are the foundational elements to get you started:

  • Resources:
    • Money: Generated primarily through Star Mines and taxes from your population. Money fuels your kingdom’s growth, allowing you to construct buildings, train military units, and fund research.
    • Power: Produced by Power Plants, power is essential to maintain your buildings and support military units. Ensure you have enough power to avoid inefficiencies.
    • Probes: Manufactured in Probe Factories, probes are vital for espionage, offensive operations, and defense.
  • Population:
    • Population lives in Residences and contributes to your kingdom’s income through taxes.
    • Military units also require housing. If there is insufficient room in Barracks, they will displace civilians from residences.
  • Buildings:
    • Construct and manage buildings to expand your kingdom’s capabilities. For example, Barracks house your military, and Star Mines generate income.
    • Specialized buildings like Air Support Bays and Aegis Control Hubs are required to field advanced units like tactical fighters and interceptor drones.
  • Military:
    • Your army is the backbone of your kingdom’s offense and defense. Train units like Soldiers, Dragoons, and Tanks, or unlock advanced units through research.
    • Military operations consume resources, including money and power, so plan accordingly.
  • Research:
    • Invest in research to unlock new technologies, enhance resource production, and improve military strength. Prioritize technologies that align with your strategy.
  • Exploration and Expansion:
    • Acquire more land to construct buildings and increase your kingdom’s power. Land can be gained through exploration or warfare.
  • Alliances:
    • Join or create an alliance to collaborate with other kingdoms. Alliances provide collective benefits, such as shared income and the ability to wage sector-wide wars.
  • Tick System:
    • The game operates on a "tick" system, with each tick representing a specific interval of time. Resources, military actions, and other processes are updated every tick. Plan your strategies with the tick cycle in mind.

Master these basics to build a prosperous and powerful kingdom. As you progress, advanced strategies and mechanics will come into play to shape your path to dominance. Good luck, commander!

Food Kingdoms

Food kingdoms are available to help you grow. These kingdoms are located in sectors 1 to 3.

Key Features of Food Kingdoms:
- No shields and no military research.
- Automatically adjusted for you on the attack calculator.

Defenses by Sector:
- Sector 1: Always 40 tanks.
- Sector 2: Starts at 1000 tanks and can go up to 3000 tanks.
- Sector 3: Starts at 3000 tanks and can go up to 30,000 tanks.

Be aware that every tick your return time on each food kingdom may change.

Robbing Food Kingdoms:
- Robbing any food kingdom will yield the same as mining gold.
- You receive $6.5 per probe until 15k probes.
- After 15k probes, you will receive: $6.5 * 15k + $2.5 * remaining probes.

Example Calculation for 20k Probes:
- $6.5 * 15k + $2.5 * 5k = $110k

Newbie Guide
Buildings Build 80 star mines.
Build 32 probe factories.
Exploration Explore 24 land.
Research Assign 10 scientists to the money bonus.
Barracks Once you have acquired 16 land build barracks and begin training soldiers. Be careful not to build more than you can support. Check your military for available barrack space as going over 100% will cause population loss and affect your money.
Training Camps After you have sufficient barracks to support your troops focus on training camps. Build 10% of your land as training camps to reduce the cost of military units by 30%. You will want to begin building units at the 24 hour mark so that you have enough offense to attack food, but enough defense to not become a target yourself.
Rubble If you receive arsons or sabos it will create a building called Rubble out of the burn down res and power plants. Rubble can then be razed to recover 40% of the building cost.
Scientists As the game progresses it is recommended to maximize the top 4 research bonuses (Pop, Power, Military, & Money) as soon as possible.
Tips Explore 24 more land as soon as you can but not before. Do this throughout newbie mode. You have enough power plants to last you through newbie mode. It is not necessary to power your shields as nobody can attack you. Raise your military shields once newbie mode has ended. Maximize your money and residence bonus first to increase your income. Attack the food kingdoms as soon as newbie mode ends.
AFK Auto Builder Guide

AFK Build Assistant - Will spend 100% of income for 24 ticks, after 24 ticks 50%, after 48 ticks 25%, and after 72 ticks 10% until it turns off at becoming inactive. Any page reload or relogin will reset Ticks Active: to 0. Allows 2 decimal places on settings.

Enable AFK Builder (On/Off) – This is the master control on/off, this will fully disable the builder. This will be disabled by default.

Enable AFK Attacking – Allows builder to attack.

Enable AFK Robbing – Allows builder to rob/mine gold with PAs.

Enable Build Military – Allows builder to build military.

Enable Build Buildings – This allows the builder to build buildings for your kingdom.

Enable AFK Exploring – This is the master control for exploring on your kingdom. If turned off your kingdom will not explore with the builder.

AFK Exploring Before Buildings – This will instruct the builder to explore first before buildings.

AFK Exploring After Military – This will instruct the builder to explore after military.

Order of Operations and details

The builder will build in this order unless some of the above settings are disabled.

Attack tier 1, tier 2 or tier 3 food when able, using offensive and flex units as per settigns.
It will choose the best land per tick to attack (land gained / return time).
Very early in the round it doesn't do a great job when you start hitting a mix of T1 and T2, with 1 WL.
Later when you are using 3/4 WLs to hit T3 it generally goes a great job.

Probe - Will mine gold and keep power according to your settings.

Explore (before buildings) – will explore max amount in 24s

Buildings – Will build all buildings equally until the desired percentage is matched

Military – Build order for military are as follows: Soldiers, Scientists, other units Builder will build units based on the percentages set. Soldiers will be trained based on Soldiers Max Stack, and Soldiers % to train per population. It will work like this, If soldiers in training plus soldiers complete equal Soldiers Max Stack it won't train anymore soldiers. Scientists to maintain is per unit of land.

Explore (after military) – Will explore with funds that are left from the steps aboves

Planet Type information
Planet Type Pros Cons Research
Mountainous +20% income
+30% honor
-20% power produced none
Forest and Wilderness +10% population
+15% barracks space
+10 starmine income
None population land bonuses always maxed
Herbal Jungle -15% scientists cost
+10% 5% capacity for all military housing
-50% training camps required
-10% probe production none
Terra Form -40% research required
+5 research maximum
-10% income Starts with 1500 research points for pop, power, mili, and money
Mystical Lands -20% return time
-10% offensive losses
-5% balanced unit cost
-10% offensive strenth Starts with fusion technology.
Volcanic Inferno -80% power required(except for shielded probes and kingdom shields)
5x power storage

-10% capacity for all military housing
Starts with fusion technology and requires -50% power to shield probes.
Jagged Tundra -15% unit cost (including scientists) +5% building none
Oceanic +10% defensive strength
+10% income
+10% enemy offensive losses
none Starts with laser dragoons
Desert Wasteland +20% offensive strength
-10% offensive unit cost
+10% enemy defensive losses
none Starts with dragoons and FDC always maxed 25%
Ice Giant -20% building cost
+5% land gains
enemy +10% return time
-5% Defense Starts with dragoons
Shadow Lands +10% probe production
Ignore MA
+30% Power Production
Intel PAs
(max 5, restore 1 every 3 ticks)
None Starts fusion technology, probe armor and 50 module points
Multiple Terrain none none
  • Dragoons
  • Laser Dragoons
  • High Guard Lancers
  • Fighters
  • Ability to switch race every 8 ticks
  • Switch state: 16 ticks
  • Module cooldown: 16 ticks
  • 1.5 module points per tick
  • Race Tokens cost 25k, 50k, 75k...
Helium +10% offensive strength
-10% building cost
+25% research efficiency
-5% population none
Race Type information
Race Type Pros Cons
Ancients Lvl 1 +20% research efficiency
Ancients Lvl 2 +30% research efficiency
-5% scientist cost
Ancients Lvl 3 +40% research efficiency
-10% scientist cost
12 tick scientist production
Terran Lvl 1 +8% population
Soldiers cost 140 gold
Terran Lvl 2 +10% population
Soldiers cost 130 gold
Terran Lvl 3 +12% population
Soldiers cost 120 gold
-4 ticks soldiers training time
Xivornai Lvl 1 +4% income none
Xivornai Lvl 2 +7% income none
Xivornai Lvl 3 +10% income none
Gistrami Lvl 1 +5% offense
-5% offensive losses
Gistrami Lvl 2 +10% offense
-5% return time
-10% offensive losses
Gistrami Lvl 3 +10% offense
-10% return time
-15% offensive losses
Mafielven Lvl 1 +5% defense
-10% shield cost reduction
Mafielven Lvl 2 +7% defense
-15% shield cost reduction
Mafielven Lvl 3 +10%defense
-20% shield cost reduction
+10% max probe shields
Qanut Lvl 1 -5% building cost
-5% exploration cost
Qanut Lvl 2 -10% building cost
-10% exploration cost
Qanut Lvl 3 -15% building cost
-15% exploration cost
building construction -4 ticks
Shadow Lvl 1 +10% probes production
-10% probe losses
Shadow Lvl 2 +10% probes production
-10% probe losses
+10% probe damage
Shadow Lvl 3 +15% probes production
-15% probe losses
+15% probe damage
Pick a starting Race at signup, after that research the other races on the research page to unlock them. Once Races are unlocked you can switch your race every 16 ticks by the Status page.
Kingdom States
Kingdom state can be changed every 24 ticks.
Name Pros Cons
Offensive +15% probe damage
+15% land gain (Min. grab 23)
Growth -15% building cost
-10% exploration costs
Mobilization 16 ticks military and 12 ticks soldier training time none
Defensive -20% probe damage taken
-20% defensive losses
Research +30% research efficiency none
Points for the modules are earned each tick(after newbie mode), can reset your tree once every 36 ticks(then tree will be on 36 tick cooldown before you can perform this action again.).
Income (Levels 1 - 5) Income increased by 1% for each Level.
Unlock Income.
Requires 60 points to complete, 12 points per level.
Population (Levels 1 - 5) Population increased by 1% for each Level.
Unlock Population.
Requires 60 points to complete, 12 points per level.
Building Cost Reduction (Levels 1 - 5) Building process improvements have been made with some new technology. Building costs decreased by 1% for each Level.
Unlock Building Cost Reduction.
Requires 50 points to complete, 10 points per level.
Barracks Capacity (Levels 1 - 10) Barracks Capacity increased by 1% for each Level.
Unlock Barracks Capacity.
Requires 100 points to complete, 10 points per level.
Exploration Cost Reduction (Levels 1 - 5) Exploration process improvements have been made with some new technology. Exploring costs decreased by 1% for each Level.
Unlock Exploration Cost Reduction.
Requires 40 points to complete, 8 points per level.
Max Explore Increase Exploring process improvements have been made with some new technology. Max explore increased to 12% of land instead of 10% of land.
Unlock Max Explore Increase.
Requires 25 points.
Research Drones (Levels 1 - 15) Scientists will now have research drones to assist with research speeding up the process. Research efficiency increased by 1% for each Level.
Unlock Research Drones.
Requires 75 points to complete, 5 points per level.
Power (Levels 1 - 10) Power production increased by 1% for each Level.
Unlock Power.
Requires 50 points to complete, 5 points per level.
Power Storage(Levels 1 - 5) Power storage increased by x0.5 for each Level.
Unlock Power Storage.
Requires 150 points to complete, 30 points per level.
Starmine Efficiency Mining process improvements have been made with some new technology. Starmines can now produce 140 gold instead of 130 gold.
Unlock Starmine Efficiency.
Requires 75 points.
Residence Housing Residence can now house 5 addition population.
Unlock Residence Housing.
Requires 75 points.
ASB Space Increase ASB can now hold 5 addition units.
Unlock ASB Spacing.
Requires 50 points.
ACH Space Increase ACH can now hold 5 addition units.
Unlock ACH Spacing.
Requires 50 points.
Building Construction Booster Building can be constructed in 12 ticks.
Unlock Building Construction Booster.
Requires 50 points.
Defense Cost Reduction Defense units cost reduced by 5%.
Unlock Defense Cost Reduction.
Requires 75 points.
Balance Cost Reduction Balance units cost reduced by 5%.
Unlock Balance Cost Reduction.
Requires 75 points.
Offense Cost Reduction Offense units cost reduced by 5%.
Unlock Offense Cost Reduction.
Requires 75 points.
Scientists Cost Reduction Scientists cost reduced by 10%.
Unlock Scientists Cost Reduction.
Requires 50 points.
Scientist Bunk Scientists will require 50% of their our room in the barracks, some scientists will share with other military. Scientists will require 50% less barracks space.
Unlock Scientist Bunk.
Requires 75 points.
Max Soldier Trainable Increase Max soldiers trainable increased to 12% of current population instead of 10% of current population.
Unlock Max Soldier Trainable Increase.
Requires 50 points.
Soldier Cost Reduction Soldier cost reduced by 25 money per.
Unlock Soldier Cost Reduction.
Requires 75 points.
Offensive Losses Reduction Offensive losses reduced by 15%.
Unlock Offensive Losses Reduction.
Requires 60 points.
Probe Production Increase (Levels 1 - 20) Probe production increased by 1% for each Level.
Unlock Probe Production Increase.
Requires 80 points to complete, 4 points per level.
Probe Loss Protection (Levels 1 - 20) Probe losses decreased by 1% for each Level.
Unlock Probe Loss Protection.
Requires 80 points to complete, 4 points per level.
Probe Shield Cost Reduction (Levels 1 - 10) Probe shield cost decreased by 3% for each Level.
Unlock Probe Shield Cost Reduction.
Requires 60 points to complete, 6 points per level.
Missile Building Reducer Missiles can be built 50% faster.
Unlock Missile Building Reducer.
Requires 75 points.
Honor Gain (Levels 1 - 20) Honor gain increased by 2% for each Level.
Unlock Honor Gain.
Requires 100 points to complete, 5 points per level.
Reduced Probe Damage Research the use of decoys that can be distract probes from taking resources. Decreases probe damages from incoming probes by 20%.
Unlock Reduced Probe Damage.
Requires 75 points.
Shield Efficiency Shields power requirement reduced by 35%.
Unlock Shield Efficiency.
Requires 75 points.
Universe Events
Event Name Effect
Solar Storm -25% power production
Medal of Honor +20% honor, +3% income
Tranquil Weather Upon Us -20% exploration cost and -10% building cost
Visit from Unknown Beings +25% research efficiency
Hazy Skies Ahead +20% probe damage
Gravity Wave +10% offensive losses, +10% defensive losses
Knowledge is Power SOKs reveals scientist and probe counts
Offense is the Best Defense +5% offensive strength
Those in defensive state will be changed to none state with 0 cooldown, and defensive state is blocked for event duration
War Leader AWOL only 3 wls available, -10% return time
On the Double Double module points per tick
No Honor Among Fiends No honor gains from attacks
Solar Flare +25% power production
None the Wiser All kingdoms are forced into none state and given a 24 tick cool down when selecting their next state
Shattered Shields -25% shield effectiveness
Malicious Attack attacks ignore MA protection
There will be three relics around the universe at one time. At round start these relics will start with random bot alliances.
One Relic can be earned by a successful arson on a kingdom that has the relic. (Arson Relic)
One Relic can be earned by a successful sabo on a kingdom that has the relic. (Sabo Relic)
One Relic can be earned by a successful attack on a kingdom that has the relic. (Attack Relic)

Alliance names in sector view with the icon next to it means they have a relic(More shows how many relics). Also can be seen in the Alliance Scores page.
It will be unknown of which relic and which kingdom has the relic. If you successfully grab a relic from another alliance it will be given to random alliance mate in your alliance.

Rewards for controlling the relics are:
One Relic - 2 honor and 1 HoF per tick for your whole alliance
Two Relics - 4 honor and 2 HoF per tick for your whole alliance
Three Relics - 10 honor and 3 HoF per tick for your whole alliance
You can explore additional land to expand your kingdom but this becomes costly as the game progresses. Exploring in multiples of 24 will help you to gain the land quickly. Eventually you might desire to attack kingdoms in other sectors for larger gains. The table below is a formula to maximize your growth while in newbie status.
Residence Residence are where the population lives. If there is not enough room in your barracks for your military, your military will 'kick out' population from their residential homes in order to seek shelter. Population will also give you income through taxes.
Holds 50 civilians or military. 2 money per population.
Barracks Military are housed here first, but if there is no room they will enter the residence and kick out your population. Failing to produce enough barracks will eventually result in death. You will lose population every tick until this is corrected. All land units require one space in the barracks, with the exception of tanks which will require two.

Holds 75 military units.
Air Support Bay The ASB houses your tactical fighters. You can not build tactical fighters without the ASB to house them.
Holds 30* Tactical Fighters.
* With Large ASB researched, it will hold up to 40
Aegis Control Hub The ACH houses your f74 interceptor drones. You can not build f74 interceptor drones without the ACH to house them.
* Building can't be razed unless the building is empty.
Holds 50 F74 Interceptor Drones.
Power Plant This building can produce 100/150* units of power. Up to 500/1000* units of power can be stored. Any excess is lost.
Produces 100/150* power and stores up to 500/1000* power.
* If Fusion Technology is researched.
Star Mine This building provides you with gold every tick and is usually the main source of income.
Produces 130 money.
Training Camp Training camps greatly decrease the cost of military units. If you have 10% of your land as training camps you will reduce the costs of military units up to the maximum of 30%. This does not apply to soldiers.
Probe Factory PF's manufacture probes that are produced each tick. They are vital to both the offensive and defensive capabilities of your kingdom.
Convert Buildings
If you decide that you would like to change one building to another type (excluding power plants) then you should use Convert Buildings. You conserve cost by reusing the materials of the old building in the new building.

Converting a building takes 20 hours.(can be lower by construction building reductions)

You cannot convert to/from a power plant because the building uses different materials.

The cost is calculated as: Money = Money - (Building Cost / 2)
Population Bonus, Power Bonus, Military Strength, Money, Frequency Decryption, Warp Drive are currently recieving a 40% discount on this round.
Population Bonus By increasing the capacity of the residence building, a kingdom can increase the population above normal.
Maximum 20%
Increases Population
Power Bonus More efficient fuel can be discovered to increase the power output of any given powerplant.
Maximum 50%
Increases Power
Military Strength By discovering new weapons and armor one can make there army more effective. This research will improve both your offensive and defensive military strength.
Maximum 30%
Increases Military Strength
Money Improved government projects can increase revenue. By reducing unemployment and government spending strategies more tax money can go towards construction and military.
Maximum 25%
Increases Income
Frequency Decryption Probes use the same low end frequencies to transmit data, regardless of who is using them, as the low end frequencies are the only ones capable of transmitting data at such a long distance. Although we frequently pick up signals over the radio, we are rarely able to decrypt it. This is why we have placed scientists on the job to monitor the waves 24/7. When successfully decrypting a transmission we can calculate how many probes were sent, what the probes were assigned to do, and who sent them.
Maximum 25%
Gives a chance at knowing which kingdom successfully probed you.
Warp Drive Through advanced research, knowledge learned in the energy core project can be used to increase the speed at which our armies move.
Maximum 20%
Requires Energy Core research.
Decreases attack time.
Dragoons Research laser scopes, electronic implants, and offensive programming for military units.
Develop Dragoon
Requires 60,000 points.
Fighters Research heavily armed jets for use in battle.
Develop Fighters
Requires 150,000 points + Dragoons to be unlocked.
Laser Dragoons Research new armor upgrades and defensive programs.

Develop Laser Dragoon
Requires 72,000 points.
Aegis Control Hub Research AI technology that control defensive programmed drones.

Develop F74 Interceptor Drones, and Aegis Control Hubs
Requires 350,000 points + Laser Dragoons to be unlocked.
High Guard Lancers Research advanced technology to train elite units as Lancers with both offensive and defensive abilities.
Develop High Guard Lancers
Requires 200,000 points.
Hover Tanks Research advanced technology to train elite units as Hover Tanks with both offensive and defensive abilities.
Develop Hover Tanks
Requires 500,000 points
Vesudian Core and AI Technology Research the ability to harness the power of the Vesudian Core, and the AI technology to control it. Allows the production of air support bay's and tactical fighters.
Develop Vesudian Core and AI Technology.
Requires 300,000 points + Fighters to be unlocked.
Large ASB Research the ability to house 40 Tactical Fighters instead of 30 Tactical Fighters.
Support more Tactical Fighters.
Requires 350,000 points + Vesudian Core and AI Technology.
Fusion Technology Learn how to harness the power of fusion in order to build more powerful missiles, and produce power more efficiently. Allows the production of the fusion missile and upgrades power plant.
Develop Fusion Technology
Requires 30,000 points.
Energy Core Research the use of an advanced energy based core in machinery's engines and power plants. Increases power production of power plants by 20%, allows you to produce the Energy Missiles, and decreases attack time by 10%
Develop Energy Core.
Requires 50,000 points and the research of Fusion Technology to be completed.
AntiMatter Reactor Core Research the use of Antimatter which allows for production of the Falcon, and Raptor missiles.
Develop AntiMatter Reactor Core.
Requires 250,000 points and the research of Energy Core to be completed.
Probe Armor Research the use of an armor plating that can be polarized to resist energy weapons. Decreases probe losses by 50%.
Develop Probe Armor.
Requires 92,000 points and the research of Fusion Technology to be completed.
Longevity Research the health and genetics of your civilians to increase life expectancy and quality of life. Increases birth rate 4x and Residences house 55 civilians instead of 50.
Develop Longevity Technology.
Requires 250,000 points + Fusion Technology, and Energy Core to be completed.
Race Token 1-9 Race tokens are used to unlock/level up your races into a more evolved form. There are currently 9 tokens that can be researched. Use tokens on status page.
Race token.
Requires 35k/70k/105k/140k/175k/210k/245k/280k/315k points.
Military Units information
Offense unit recruiting is limited to the amount of defense units currently in training/completed. At start of round this is 40% defense to 60% offense ratio. Defense percent will decrease and the Offense percent will increase as round goes on allowing more offense units to be built.
Units require Barrack space for housing
*Tactical Fighters require Air Support Bays for housing
*F74 Interceptor Drones require Aegis Control Hub for housing(housing is only required to allow you to build more units, unit will still work if there is no housing.)

It takes 16 ticks to train soldiers. This can be reduced with Mobilization kingdom state.
It takes 24 ticks to train military units. This can be reduced with Mobilization kingdom state.

Military units require soldiers to train. *Tactical Fighters, F74 Interceptor Drones.
Unit Type Offensive Strength Defensive Strength Networth Power Cost Cost Housing
Soldiers 1 1 3 0.7 150 1
Troopers 4 0 6 0.7 350 1
Dragoons 5 0 7 0.7 450 1
Fighters 6 0 9 0.7 550 1
Laser troopers 0 4 7 0.7 375 1
Laser Dragoons 0 5 8 0.7 500 1
F74 Interceptor Drones 0 8 12 1.4 975 1*
High Guard Lancers 5 6 14 0.7 1000 1
Tanks 9 9 22 1.4 1750 2
Hover Tanks 13 11 31 1.4 2250 2
Tactical Fighters 12 0 18 1.4 1500 1*
Scientists 0 0 8 0.7 900 1
Upgrade Military Units information
Once you have researched Dragoons or Laser Dragoons you can upgrade your Troopers, Tanks or Laser Troopers. Go to upgrade armies room and simply enter the amount you want to upgrade and click upgrade.

You can upgrade Troopers to Dragoons with Dragoon research.
You can upgrade Laser Troopers to Laser Dragoons with Laser Dragoon research.

The cost of upgrading Laser Dragoons is current Laser Dragoons cost * 0.28.
The cost of upgrading Dragoons is current Dragoons cost * 0.28.

It takes 12 ticks to upgrade
Disband Military Units information
If you have too much military population and need more space for residence, or if you just want to get rid of a unit, you can go to the disband room. Enter in the number to release for each unit and hit Disband Army. Any units you disband except soldiers or tactical fighters will return to soldiers. If you disband soldiers they will return to population. If you disband tactical fighters, or F74 Interceptor Drones you will gain 25% of the unit's cost.
Probe Probes frequencies are scrambled causing the enemy probes failure rate to increase.

Maximum Effectiveness: 25%
Military Your kingdom's shields will decrease the offensive value of the enemies forces.

Maximum Effectiveness: 10%
Missile A missile defense system that intercepts enemy missiles before they can damage your kingdom.

Maximum Effectiveness: 100%
Missile Money Cost Power Cost Land Destroyed Population % Destroyed Power % Destroyed Building % Destroyed Max Buildings Destroyed Land % Destroyed Max Land Destroyed
Nuclear $100,000 50,000 50 2.5% 0% 0.00% 0 0.00% 50
Fusion $500,000 100,000 100 5.0% 5% 0.00% 0 0.00% 100
Energy $1,000,000 200,000 200 5.0% 10% 0.00% 0 0.00% 200
Falcon $2,000,000 500,000 250 5.0% 5% 1.25% 1250 0.25% 500
Raptor $5,000,000 1,000,000 350 7.5% 5% 0.75% 750 0.50% 1000
You have 4 war generals which are necessary to lead your offense. They can be sent out one at a time or together. If sent together some will return faster. For each general sent together your offense gains 3% additional offensive power. If you send out all of your generals you must wait for one to return before launching another attack.

The game has a built in attack calculator that you will find a link to after you send probes to spy on a kingdom or its military.
Mission Result
Spy on kingdom Decrypt detailed information of a kingdom.
Spy on military Decrypt the military status of a kingdom.
Spy on buildings Decrypt the current buildings of a kingdom.
Spy on research Decrypt the current research of a kingdom.
Spy on shields Decrypt the current shield % of a kingdom.
Spy on News Decrypt the current news of an alliance.
Rob banks returns 10 money per probe sent up to 10% of the defender's money
Mine Gold Up to 15k probes returns $6.5 gold per probe.
Past 15k probes, additional probes will return $2.5 per probe.
Has a cap of 100k + $50 * Resis + $100 * SMs
Arson Destroy an enemies residence.
Sabotage Destroy an enemies power planets.
Kidnappings return 1/4th of the 5% of stolen population
Suicide Sacrifice your probes to destroy the enemies current power, 7 power per probe.
Money Reward reward = (income * 3)
Rob Reward 15x per probe
Land Reward reward = (0.01 * Land) or 20 whichever value is higher.
Probe Reward reward = adds 3 probe attempts
Vault reward = holds onto 60% of your income per tick, to reclaim your money just go back to reward room and click the link
Alliance Leader
Alliances can have up to 8 kingdoms and require at least 4 members to declare War, Peace, Nap and Ally.
All alliances must wait till tick 144 before declaring war/peace. The alliance is given 5% passive income per tick based off of their kingdoms income.
When leaving an alliance you must wait 24 ticks to enter another.
The leader cannot leave without deleting the alliance.
When at war defensive losses increase from 5% to 7%.
Getting a kill shot to exterminate an Alliance Leader will transfer 100% of the opposing alliance's vault to your own alliance.
This killshot can be stolen by other alliances and can only be obtained via a land grab.
Alliance Leaders have the ability to select a Vice Alliance Leader that can do everything the Alliance Leader can do except kick the Alliance Leader or disband the alliiance.
When an Alliance Leader dies the alliance owner is transferred the Vice Alliance Leader.

War and Peace function such that if one alliance declares, the opposing alliance inherits the effect until they declare.
War defense losses to the opposite alliance are 7%.
If an alliance declares Peace the alliance attacking the Peace declared alliance will lose 7% offense with 5% losses. Minimum losses are set at 5%.

Leaving an alliance has a duration of 48 ticks if relation of War or Peace is declared on your alliance, or if your alliance declares War or Peace. Then it will kick you.

If your alliance declares War on another alliance you can launch the Electromagnetic Missile which lowers the other alliances power produced by 20% for 48 ticks.

If your alliance declares Peace on another alliance you can launch the Ionospheric Missile which increases the other alliances return times by 20% for 24 ticks.(Current sector war gains/offense/defense values still apply to War and Peace)
Alliance Relations
One of each relation of each type is allow to be set per alliance. Example: Alliance A can only set one relation with Alliance B. Alliance A can still set one relation with each other alliance.
Name Pros Cons Declare Cooldown Cancel Cooldown
War +10% offensive bonus and +10% gains on declared alliance. none 48 ticks before being able to cancel. none
Peace +15% defense -15% offensive gains on declared alliance 48 ticks before being able to cancel. none
Non Aggression Pact No attacks/probes/missiles allowed between the two alliances none none none
Ally none none none none
Alliance States Info
War works to where if one alliance declares it against the other, the other alliance inherits the effect until they declare the opposite condition. War defense losses to the opposite alliance are down 7%. If alliance declares Peace the alliance attacking the Peace declared alliance will lose 7% offense. Losses are lowered also by 2% from 7% to normal 5%. Minimum losses is 5%
Alliance Enhancements
Enhancement Effect Duration Cost
Solar Winds +50% Power Production 48 ticks Alliance Networth * 0.15
Nano Bots +10% income 24 ticks Alliance Networth * 0.25
Warp Gate -10% Return Time 24 Ticks Alliance Networth * 0.10
Alliance Enhancements contd.
Enhancement Level Cost Pop Bonus Birth Rate Defense Bonus Offense Bonus Explore Discount Building Reduction Research Bonus Probe Production Probe Loss Reduction
Cloning Station 1 100,000 0.01 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cloning Station 2 300,000 0.02 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cloning Station 3 500,000 0.03 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cloning Station 4 1,000,000 0.04 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cloning Station 5 3,000,000 0.05 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alliance Defense 1 250,000 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alliance Defense 2 500,000 0 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alliance Defense 3 1,000,000 0 0 0.03 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alliance Defense 4 2,000,000 0 0 0.04 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alliance Defense 5 3,000,000 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arsenal 1 200,000 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0
Arsenal 2 400,000 0 0 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 0
Arsenal 3 750,000 0 0 0 0.03 0 0 0 0 0
Arsenal 4 1,500,000 0 0 0 0.04 0 0 0 0 0
Arsenal 5 2,000,000 0 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 0
Expansion Module 1 250,000 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.02 0 0 0
Expansion Module 2 600,000 0 0 0 0 0.04 0.04 0 0 0
Expansion Module 3 1,250,000 0 0 0 0 0.06 0.06 0 0 0
Expansion Module 4 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 0.08 0.08 0 0 0
Expansion Module 5 4,000,000 0 0 0 0 0.10 0.10 0 0 0
Research Station 1 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0
Research Station 2 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 0 0
Research Station 3 600,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.06 0 0
Research Station 4 1,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.08 0 0
Research Station 5 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.10 0 0
Espionage Office 1 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0.01
Espionage Office 2 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.06 0.02
Espionage Office 3 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.09 0.03
Espionage Office 4 2,300,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.12 0.04
Espionage Office 5 4,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.15 0.05
Send Aid
The amount of aid a kingdom can receive is based on 50% of the kingdom's networth at the time Trouble Mode is entered.
Points are reduced by 5% each tick until out of Trouble Mode.
Only kingdoms in your alliance that are in Trouble Mode can receive aid.
To enter Trouble mode you must have 12 attack points to enter. 4 attack points are awarded for each successful attack on your kingdom before entering Trouble Mode.
Attack points go down each tick by 1 attack point.
Type of Aid Points per
Soldier 100
Population 25
Power 1
Money 0.1

At one time every sector was an alliance of their own which led to many heated battles. After thousands of years kingdoms grew tired of fighting for leaders that disrespected their desires. The players rebelled as the galaxy was split and a great battle ensued. Neither side was able to achieve victory and instead their grasp on the players slipped. The AI the alliances had unleashed against each other took over the galaxy. A mad scientist named Wicky devised a powerful weapon that was able to vaporize all alliances. Now each kingdom is able to join an alliance of their own.

The sector leader is still visible in the sector as a yellow kingdom and is able to set a sector topic and banner. The kingdom that is elected sector leader is given a 0% research bonus. Alliances can fight over control of this coveted title. The war continues in an attempt to now unite the sectors under one banner, and reclaim control of the sectors. Universal domination is imminent, my friend.


Honor is gained in battle. Starting honor is 1000. Honor gained in honorable victories. A defending kingdom only loses 90% of the gained honor. If a kingdom has a high amount of honor, they will gain bonuses. 2 times as much honor is gained in war (only 1.25 times is lost).

Attacks on Non-Food, Non-Bot kingdoms yeild an extra 20% honor

Honor Bonuses
Level Honor Research Discount Missile Discount Military Power Soldier Discount Barracks Capacity Probe Damage Offense Discount Offense Losses War Spoils Probe Losses
1 1150 0.01 0.02 0.01 1 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00
2 1350 0.02 0.04 0.02 2 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00
3 1600 0.03 0.06 0.03 3 0.015 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00
4 1900 0.04 0.08 0.04 4 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00
5 2400 0.05 0.10 0.05 5 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.00
6 2800 0.07 0.13 0.06 6 0.030 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.00
7 3250 0.09 0.16 0.07 7 0.035 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.00
8 3750 0.11 0.19 0.08 8 0.040 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.00
9 4300 0.13 0.22 0.09 9 0.045 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.00
10 5000 0.15 0.25 0.10 10 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.00
11 5850 0.18 0.29 0.12 12 0.060 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.01
12 6750 0.21 0.33 0.14 14 0.070 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.02
13 7700 0.24 0.37 0.16 16 0.080 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.03
14 8700 0.27 0.41 0.18 18 0.090 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.04
15 10000 0.30 0.45 0.20 20 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.05
Honor Calculations
Target networth (theirs vs yours) Honor gained (from target) (yours if bash)
Less than 25% 0
26-49% 1.25%
50-69 2.50%
70-89 5.00%
90-00 7.50%
100%+ 10.0%
Hall of Fame
HoF points will stay with your account all round, so even if your kingdom dies and you recreate you will still have your points.
Points are only awarded during alliance relation types War/Peace.
Action Group Action Taken Points Awarded
Attack Successful 5
Attack Fail 5
Attack Kill Shot 25
Probe Intel Successful 1
Probe Aggressive Successful 2
Probe Fail 1
Missile Nuclear Lanuch 3
Missile Fusion Lanuch 4
Missile Energy Lanuch 5
Missile Falcon Lanuch 7
Missile Raptor Lanuch 7
Networth Calculations (in addition to units)
Land Land * 25
Buildings Buildings * 25
Population Population * 1
Money Money * 1/500
Probes Probes * 0.5
Power Cost
Population .35
Buildings 2.1
Tanks, Hover Tanks and Tactical Fighters 1.4
F74 Interceptor Drones 1.4
Fighters 1.0
All other units .7

Please note this does not include all formulas. Rather there were formulas in the help guide that didn't have a better home.

Alliance income is 5% of every kingdoms income in the alliance. Rob, and Mine Gold PA will now return 5% of the amount to the alliance income. This doesn't take from a kingdoms income.

Alliances get a diversity bonus of 2% income if they do not have more than 3 of any planet type. Each time the alliance goes above 3 of any PT their 2% bonus is reduced by 0.5%.

Minimum return time is 6 ticks.

Minimun Population loss is 500. Population loss per land is 20%. Example: 5k land = 1k pop loss

Population income is 2 per population.